// Copyright 2021 The Grin Developers // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Test wallet command line works as expected #[macro_use] extern crate clap; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate grin_wallet; use grin_wallet_impls::test_framework::{self, LocalWalletClient, WalletProxy}; use clap::App; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use grin_wallet_impls::DefaultLCProvider; use grin_wallet_util::grin_keychain::ExtKeychain; mod common; use common::{clean_output_dir, execute_command, initial_setup_wallet, instantiate_wallet, setup}; /// command line tests fn command_line_test_impl(test_dir: &str) -> Result<(), grin_wallet_controller::Error> { setup(test_dir); // Create a new proxy to simulate server and wallet responses let mut wallet_proxy: WalletProxy< DefaultLCProvider, LocalWalletClient, ExtKeychain, > = WalletProxy::new(test_dir); let chain = wallet_proxy.chain.clone(); // load app yaml. If it don't exist, just say so and exit let yml = load_yaml!("../src/bin/grin-wallet.yml"); let app = App::from_yaml(yml); // wallet init let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "init", "-h"]; // should create new wallet file let client1 = LocalWalletClient::new("wallet1", wallet_proxy.tx.clone()); execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec.clone())?; // trying to init twice - should fail assert!(execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec.clone()).is_err()); let client1 = LocalWalletClient::new("wallet1", wallet_proxy.tx.clone()); // add wallet to proxy //let wallet1 = test_framework::create_wallet(&format!("{}/wallet1", test_dir), client1.clone()); let config1 = initial_setup_wallet(test_dir, "wallet1"); let wallet_config1 = config1.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; let (wallet1, mask1_i) = instantiate_wallet( wallet_config1.clone(), client1.clone(), "password1", "default", )?; wallet_proxy.add_wallet( "wallet1", client1.get_send_instance(), wallet1.clone(), mask1_i.clone(), ); // Create wallet 2 let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "init", "-h"]; let client2 = LocalWalletClient::new("wallet2", wallet_proxy.tx.clone()); execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec.clone())?; let config2 = initial_setup_wallet(test_dir, "wallet2"); let wallet_config2 = config2.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; let (wallet2, mask2_i) = instantiate_wallet( wallet_config2.clone(), client2.clone(), "password2", "default", )?; wallet_proxy.add_wallet( "wallet2", client2.get_send_instance(), wallet2.clone(), mask2_i.clone(), ); // Set the wallet proxy listener running thread::spawn(move || { if let Err(e) = wallet_proxy.run() { error!("Wallet Proxy error: {}", e); } }); // Create some accounts in wallet 1 let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "account", "-c", "mining"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "account", "-c", "account_1", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; // Create some accounts in wallet 2 let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "account", "-c", "account_1", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec.clone())?; // already exists assert!(execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec).is_err()); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "account", "-c", "account_2", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec)?; // let's see those accounts let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "account"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; // let's see those accounts let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "account"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec)?; // Mine a bit into wallet 1 so we have something to send // (TODO: Be able to stop listeners so we can test this better) let wallet_config1 = config1.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; let (wallet1, mask1_i) = instantiate_wallet(wallet_config1, client1.clone(), "password1", "default")?; let mask1 = (&mask1_i).as_ref(); grin_wallet_controller::controller::owner_single_use( Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { api.set_active_account(m, "mining")?; Ok(()) }, )?; let mut bh = 10u64; let _ = test_framework::award_blocks_to_wallet(&chain, wallet1.clone(), mask1, bh as usize, false); // Update info and check let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "info"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; // try a file exchange let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet1/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b00.S1.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "send", "10", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-a", "mining", "-p", "password1", "txs"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "-a", "account_1", "receive", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec.clone())?; // shouldn't be allowed to receive twice assert!(execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec).is_err()); let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet2/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b00.S2.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-a", "mining", "-p", "password1", "finalize", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; bh += 1; let wallet_config1 = config1.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; let (wallet1, mask1_i) = instantiate_wallet( wallet_config1.clone(), client1.clone(), "password1", "default", )?; let mask1 = (&mask1_i).as_ref(); // Check our transaction log, should have 10 entries grin_wallet_controller::controller::owner_single_use( Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { api.set_active_account(m, "mining")?; let (refreshed, txs) = api.retrieve_txs(m, true, None, None)?; assert!(refreshed); assert_eq!(txs.len(), bh as usize); for t in txs { assert!(t.kernel_excess.is_some()); } Ok(()) }, )?; let _ = test_framework::award_blocks_to_wallet(&chain, wallet1.clone(), mask1, 10, false); bh += 10; // update info for each let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "info"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "-a", "account_1", "info"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client1, arg_vec)?; // check results in wallet 2 let wallet_config2 = config2.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; let (wallet2, mask2_i) = instantiate_wallet( wallet_config2.clone(), client2.clone(), "password2", "default", )?; let mask2 = (&mask2_i).as_ref(); grin_wallet_controller::controller::owner_single_use( Some(wallet2.clone()), mask2, None, |api, m| { api.set_active_account(m, "account_1")?; let (_, wallet1_info) = api.retrieve_summary_info(m, true, 1)?; assert_eq!(wallet1_info.last_confirmed_height, bh); assert_eq!(wallet1_info.amount_currently_spendable, 10_000_000_000); Ok(()) }, )?; // Send to wallet 2 with --amount_includes_fee let mut old_balance = 0; grin_wallet_controller::controller::owner_single_use( Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { api.set_active_account(m, "mining")?; let (_, wallet1_info) = api.retrieve_summary_info(m, true, 1)?; old_balance = wallet1_info.amount_currently_spendable; Ok(()) }, )?; let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "send", "--amount_includes_fee", "10", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet1/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b01.S1.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "-a", "account_1", "receive", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec.clone())?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet2/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b01.S2.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-a", "mining", "-p", "password1", "finalize", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; bh += 1; // Mine some blocks to confirm the transaction let _ = test_framework::award_blocks_to_wallet(&chain, wallet1.clone(), mask1, 10, false); bh += 10; // Check the new balance of wallet 1 reduced by EXACTLY the tx amount (instead of amount + fee) // This confirms that the TX amount was correctly computed to allow for the fee grin_wallet_controller::controller::owner_single_use( Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { api.set_active_account(m, "mining")?; let (_, wallet1_info) = api.retrieve_summary_info(m, true, 1)?; // make sure the new balance is exactly equal to the old balance - the tx amount + the amount mined since then let amt_mined = 10 * 60_000_000_000; assert_eq!( wallet1_info.amount_currently_spendable + 10_000_000_000, old_balance + amt_mined ); Ok(()) }, )?; // Send encrypted from wallet 1 to wallet 2 // output wallet 2's address for test creation purposes, let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "-a", "account_1", "address", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec)?; // Send encrypted to wallet 2 let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "send", "-d", "tgrin1ak8aaxpjg6ct5uje4lgzvjp65l0nrmgxndp5xjy74sumzp7wasysje3kmf", "10", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet1/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b02.S1.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "-a", "account_1", "receive", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec.clone())?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet2/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b02.S2.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-a", "mining", "-p", "password1", "finalize", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; bh += 1; // Check our transaction log, should have bh entries let wallet_config1 = config1.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; let (wallet1, mask1_i) = instantiate_wallet( wallet_config1.clone(), client1.clone(), "password1", "default", )?; let mask1 = (&mask1_i).as_ref(); grin_wallet_controller::controller::owner_single_use( Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { api.set_active_account(m, "mining")?; let (refreshed, txs) = api.retrieve_txs(m, true, None, None)?; assert!(refreshed); assert_eq!(txs.len(), bh as usize); Ok(()) }, )?; // Send to self let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "send", "-o", "3", "-s", "smallest", "10", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet1/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b03.S1.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "receive", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec.clone())?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet1/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b03.S2.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-a", "mining", "-p", "password1", "finalize", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; bh += 1; // Check our transaction log, should have bh entries + 1 for self-seld let wallet_config1 = config1.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; let (wallet1, mask1_i) = instantiate_wallet( wallet_config1.clone(), client1.clone(), "password1", "default", )?; let mask1 = (&mask1_i).as_ref(); grin_wallet_controller::controller::owner_single_use( Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { api.set_active_account(m, "mining")?; let (refreshed, txs) = api.retrieve_txs(m, true, None, None)?; assert!(refreshed); assert_eq!(txs.len(), bh as usize + 1); Ok(()) }, )?; // Another file exchange, don't send, but unlock with repair command let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "send", "10", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "scan", "-d"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; // Another file exchange, cancel this time let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "send", "10", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-a", "mining", "-p", "password1", "txs"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "cancel", "-i", "36", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; // issue an invoice tx, wallet 2 let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "invoice", "65"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec)?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet2/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b06.I1.slatepack", test_dir ); // now pay the invoice tx, wallet 1 let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-a", "mining", "-p", "password1", "pay", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet1/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b06.I2.slatepack", test_dir ); // and finalize, wallet 2 let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "finalize", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec)?; // bit more mining let _ = test_framework::award_blocks_to_wallet(&chain, wallet1.clone(), mask1, 5, false); //bh += 5; // txs and outputs (mostly spit out for a visual in test logs) let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "txs"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; // message output (mostly spit out for a visual in test logs) let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "txs", "-i", "10", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; // txs and outputs (mostly spit out for a visual in test logs) let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "outputs"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "txs"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec)?; let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "outputs"]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec)?; // get tx output via -tx parameter let mut tx_id = "".to_string(); grin_wallet_controller::controller::owner_single_use( Some(wallet2.clone()), mask2, None, |api, m| { api.set_active_account(m, "default")?; let (_, txs) = api.retrieve_txs(m, true, None, None)?; let some_tx_id = txs[0].tx_slate_id.clone(); assert!(some_tx_id.is_some()); tx_id = some_tx_id.unwrap().to_hyphenated().to_string().clone(); Ok(()) }, )?; let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "txs", "-t", &tx_id[..]]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec)?; // bit of mining let _ = test_framework::award_blocks_to_wallet(&chain, wallet1.clone(), mask1, 10, false); // Test wallet sweep let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password1", "-a", "mining", "send", "max", ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet1/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b07.S1.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-p", "password2", "-a", "account_1", "receive", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet2", &client2, arg_vec.clone())?; let file_name = format!( "{}/wallet2/slatepack/0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b07.S2.slatepack", test_dir ); let arg_vec = vec![ "grin-wallet", "-a", "mining", "-p", "password1", "finalize", "-i", &file_name, ]; execute_command(&app, test_dir, "wallet1", &client1, arg_vec)?; // Mine some blocks to confirm the transaction let _ = test_framework::award_blocks_to_wallet(&chain, wallet1.clone(), mask1, 10, false); // Check wallet 1 is now empty, except for immature coinbase outputs from recent mining), // and recently matured coinbase outputs, which were not mature at time of spending. // This confirms that the TX amount was correctly computed to allow for the fee grin_wallet_controller::controller::owner_single_use( Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { api.set_active_account(m, "mining")?; let (_, wallet1_info) = api.retrieve_summary_info(m, true, 10)?; // Entire 'spendable' wallet balance should have been swept, except the coinbase outputs // which matured in the last batch of mining. Check that the new spendable balance is // exactly equal to those matured coins. let amt_mined = 10 * 60_000_000_000; assert_eq!(wallet1_info.amount_currently_spendable, amt_mined); Ok(()) }, )?; // let logging finish thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); clean_output_dir(test_dir); Ok(()) } #[test] fn wallet_command_line() { let test_dir = "target/test_output/command_line"; if let Err(e) = command_line_test_impl(test_dir) { panic!("Libwallet Error: {} - {}", e, e.backtrace().unwrap()); } }