// Copyright 2019 The Grin Developers // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Test a wallet file send/recieve #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate grin_wallet_controller as wallet; extern crate grin_wallet_impls as impls; use grin_wallet_libwallet as libwallet; use grin_wallet_util::grin_core as core; use grin_wallet_util::OnionV3Address; use impls::test_framework::{self, LocalWalletClient}; use impls::{PathToSlate, SlateGetter as _, SlatePutter as _}; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use grin_wallet_libwallet::{InitTxArgs, IssueInvoiceTxArgs, Slate}; #[macro_use] mod common; use common::{clean_output_dir, create_wallet_proxy, setup}; /// self send impl fn file_exchange_test_impl(test_dir: &'static str, use_bin: bool) -> Result<(), libwallet::Error> { // Create a new proxy to simulate server and wallet responses let mut wallet_proxy = create_wallet_proxy(test_dir); let chain = wallet_proxy.chain.clone(); let stopper = wallet_proxy.running.clone(); // Create a new wallet test client, and set its queues to communicate with the // proxy create_wallet_and_add!( client1, wallet1, mask1_i, test_dir, "wallet1", None, &mut wallet_proxy, false ); let mask1 = (&mask1_i).as_ref(); create_wallet_and_add!( client2, wallet2, mask2_i, test_dir, "wallet2", None, &mut wallet_proxy, false ); let mask2 = (&mask2_i).as_ref(); // Set the wallet proxy listener running thread::spawn(move || { if let Err(e) = wallet_proxy.run() { error!("Wallet Proxy error: {}", e); } }); // few values to keep things shorter let reward = core::consensus::REWARD; // add some accounts wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { api.create_account_path(m, "mining")?; api.create_account_path(m, "listener")?; Ok(()) })?; // add some accounts wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet2.clone()), mask2, None, |api, m| { api.create_account_path(m, "account1")?; api.create_account_path(m, "account2")?; Ok(()) })?; // Get some mining done { wallet_inst!(wallet1, w); w.set_parent_key_id_by_name("mining")?; } let mut bh = 10u64; let _ = test_framework::award_blocks_to_wallet(&chain, wallet1.clone(), mask1, bh as usize, false); let (send_file, receive_file, final_file) = match use_bin { false => ( format!("{}/standard_S1.tx", test_dir), format!("{}/standard_S2.tx", test_dir), format!("{}/standard_S3.tx", test_dir), ), true => ( format!("{}/standard_S1.txbin", test_dir), format!("{}/standard_S2.txbin", test_dir), format!("{}/standard_S3.txbin", test_dir), ), }; // Should have 5 in account1 (5 spendable), 5 in account (2 spendable) wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { let (wallet1_refreshed, wallet1_info) = api.retrieve_summary_info(m, true, 1)?; assert!(wallet1_refreshed); assert_eq!(wallet1_info.last_confirmed_height, bh); assert_eq!(wallet1_info.total, bh * reward); // send to send let args = InitTxArgs { src_acct_name: Some("mining".to_owned()), amount: reward * 2, minimum_confirmations: 2, max_outputs: 500, num_change_outputs: 1, selection_strategy_is_use_all: true, ..Default::default() }; let slate = api.init_send_tx(m, args)?; // output tx file PathToSlate((&send_file).into()).put_tx(&slate, use_bin)?; api.tx_lock_outputs(m, &slate)?; Ok(()) })?; // Get some mining done { wallet_inst!(wallet2, w); w.set_parent_key_id_by_name("account1")?; } let mut slate = PathToSlate((&send_file).into()).get_tx()?.0; // wallet 2 receives file, completes, sends file back wallet::controller::foreign_single_use(wallet2.clone(), mask2_i.clone(), |api| { slate = api.receive_tx(&slate, None)?; PathToSlate((&receive_file).into()).put_tx(&slate, use_bin)?; Ok(()) })?; // wallet 1 finalises and posts wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { let mut slate = PathToSlate(receive_file.into()).get_tx()?.0; slate = api.finalize_tx(m, &slate)?; // Output final file for reference PathToSlate((&final_file).into()).put_tx(&slate, use_bin)?; api.post_tx(m, &slate, false)?; bh += 1; Ok(()) })?; let _ = test_framework::award_blocks_to_wallet(&chain, wallet1.clone(), mask1, 3, false); bh += 3; // Check total in mining account wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { let (wallet1_refreshed, wallet1_info) = api.retrieve_summary_info(m, true, 1)?; assert!(wallet1_refreshed); assert_eq!(wallet1_info.last_confirmed_height, bh); assert_eq!(wallet1_info.total, bh * reward - reward * 2); Ok(()) })?; // Check total in 'wallet 2' account wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet2.clone()), mask2, None, |api, m| { let (wallet2_refreshed, wallet2_info) = api.retrieve_summary_info(m, true, 1)?; assert!(wallet2_refreshed); assert_eq!(wallet2_info.last_confirmed_height, bh); assert_eq!(wallet2_info.total, 2 * reward); Ok(()) })?; // Now other types of exchange, for reference // Invoice transaction let (send_file, receive_file, final_file) = match use_bin { false => ( format!("{}/invoice_I1.tx", test_dir), format!("{}/invoice_I2.tx", test_dir), format!("{}/invoice_I3.tx", test_dir), ), true => ( format!("{}/invoice_I1.txbin", test_dir), format!("{}/invoice_I2.txbin", test_dir), format!("{}/invoice_I3.txbin", test_dir), ), }; let mut slate = Slate::blank(2, true); wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet2.clone()), mask2, None, |api, m| { let args = IssueInvoiceTxArgs { amount: 1000000000, ..Default::default() }; slate = api.issue_invoice_tx(m, args)?; PathToSlate((&send_file).into()).put_tx(&slate, use_bin)?; Ok(()) })?; wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { let args = InitTxArgs { src_acct_name: None, amount: slate.amount, minimum_confirmations: 2, max_outputs: 500, num_change_outputs: 1, selection_strategy_is_use_all: true, ..Default::default() }; slate = PathToSlate((&send_file).into()).get_tx()?.0; slate = api.process_invoice_tx(m, &slate, args)?; api.tx_lock_outputs(m, &slate)?; PathToSlate((&receive_file).into()).put_tx(&slate, use_bin)?; Ok(()) })?; wallet::controller::foreign_single_use(wallet2.clone(), mask2_i.clone(), |api| { // Wallet 2 receives the invoice transaction slate = PathToSlate((&receive_file).into()).get_tx()?.0; slate = api.finalize_invoice_tx(&slate)?; PathToSlate((&final_file).into()).put_tx(&slate, use_bin)?; Ok(()) })?; wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { api.post_tx(m, &slate, false)?; Ok(()) })?; // Standard, with payment proof let _ = test_framework::award_blocks_to_wallet(&chain, wallet1.clone(), mask1, 3, false); let (send_file, receive_file, final_file) = match use_bin { false => ( format!("{}/standard_pp_S1.tx", test_dir), format!("{}/standard_pp_S2.tx", test_dir), format!("{}/standard_pp_S3.tx", test_dir), ), true => ( format!("{}/standard_pp_S1.txbin", test_dir), format!("{}/standard_pp_S2.txbin", test_dir), format!("{}/standard_pp_S3.txbin", test_dir), ), }; let mut slate = Slate::blank(2, true); let mut address = None; wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet2.clone()), mask2, None, |api, m| { address = Some(api.get_public_proof_address(m, 0)?); Ok(()) })?; let address = OnionV3Address::from_bytes(address.as_ref().unwrap().to_bytes()); wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { // send to send let args = InitTxArgs { src_acct_name: Some("mining".to_owned()), amount: reward, minimum_confirmations: 2, max_outputs: 500, num_change_outputs: 1, selection_strategy_is_use_all: true, payment_proof_recipient_address: Some(address.clone()), ..Default::default() }; let slate = api.init_send_tx(m, args)?; PathToSlate((&send_file).into()).put_tx(&slate, use_bin)?; api.tx_lock_outputs(m, &slate)?; Ok(()) })?; wallet::controller::foreign_single_use(wallet2.clone(), mask2_i.clone(), |api| { slate = PathToSlate((&send_file).into()).get_tx()?.0; slate = api.receive_tx(&slate, None)?; PathToSlate((&receive_file).into()).put_tx(&slate, use_bin)?; Ok(()) })?; // wallet 1 finalises and posts wallet::controller::owner_single_use(Some(wallet1.clone()), mask1, None, |api, m| { slate = PathToSlate(receive_file.into()).get_tx()?.0; slate = api.finalize_tx(m, &slate)?; // Output final file for reference PathToSlate((&final_file).into()).put_tx(&slate, use_bin)?; api.post_tx(m, &slate, false)?; bh += 1; Ok(()) })?; // let logging finish stopper.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn wallet_file_exchange_json() { let test_dir = "test_output/file_exchange_json"; setup(test_dir); // Json output if let Err(e) = file_exchange_test_impl(test_dir, false) { panic!("Libwallet Error: {} - {}", e, e.backtrace().unwrap()); } clean_output_dir(test_dir); } #[test] fn wallet_file_exchange_bin() { let test_dir = "test_output/file_exchange_bin"; setup(test_dir); if let Err(e) = file_exchange_test_impl(test_dir, true) { panic!("Libwallet Error: {} - {}", e, e.backtrace().unwrap()); } clean_output_dir(test_dir); }