// Copyright 2019 The Grin Developers // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Common functions for wallet integration tests extern crate grin_wallet; use grin_wallet_config as config; use grin_wallet_impls::test_framework::LocalWalletClient; use grin_wallet_util::grin_util as util; use clap::{App, ArgMatches}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{env, fs}; use util::{Mutex, ZeroingString}; use grin_wallet_api::{EncryptedRequest, EncryptedResponse, JsonId}; use grin_wallet_config::{GlobalWalletConfig, WalletConfig, GRIN_WALLET_DIR}; use grin_wallet_impls::{DefaultLCProvider, DefaultWalletImpl}; use grin_wallet_libwallet::{NodeClient, WalletInfo, WalletInst}; use grin_wallet_util::grin_core::global::{self, ChainTypes}; use grin_wallet_util::grin_keychain::ExtKeychain; use grin_wallet_util::grin_util::{from_hex, static_secp_instance}; use util::secp::key::{PublicKey, SecretKey}; use grin_wallet::cmd::wallet_args; use grin_wallet_util::grin_api as api; use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use url::Url; // Set up 2 wallets and launch the test proxy behind them #[macro_export] macro_rules! setup_proxy { ($test_dir: expr, $chain: ident, $wallet1: ident, $client1: ident, $mask1: ident, $wallet2: ident, $client2: ident, $mask2: ident) => { // Create a new proxy to simulate server and wallet responses let mut wallet_proxy: WalletProxy< DefaultLCProvider<LocalWalletClient, ExtKeychain>, LocalWalletClient, ExtKeychain, > = WalletProxy::new($test_dir); let $chain = wallet_proxy.chain.clone(); // load app yaml. If it don't exist, just say so and exit let yml = load_yaml!("../src/bin/grin-wallet.yml"); let app = App::from_yaml(yml); // wallet init let arg_vec = vec!["grin-wallet", "-p", "password", "init", "-h"]; // should create new wallet file let $client1 = LocalWalletClient::new("wallet1", wallet_proxy.tx.clone()); let target = std::path::PathBuf::from(format!("{}/wallet1/grin-wallet.toml", $test_dir)); println!("{:?}", target); if !target.exists() { execute_command(&app, $test_dir, "wallet1", &$client1, arg_vec.clone())?; } // add wallet to proxy let config1 = initial_setup_wallet($test_dir, "wallet1"); let wallet_config1 = config1.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; //config1.owner_api_listen_port = Some(13420); let ($wallet1, mask1_i) = instantiate_wallet( wallet_config1.clone(), $client1.clone(), "password", "default", )?; let $mask1 = (&mask1_i).as_ref(); wallet_proxy.add_wallet( "wallet1", $client1.get_send_instance(), $wallet1.clone(), mask1_i.clone(), ); // Create wallet 2, which will run a listener let $client2 = LocalWalletClient::new("wallet2", wallet_proxy.tx.clone()); let target = std::path::PathBuf::from(format!("{}/wallet2/grin-wallet.toml", $test_dir)); if !target.exists() { execute_command(&app, $test_dir, "wallet2", &$client2, arg_vec.clone())?; } let config2 = initial_setup_wallet($test_dir, "wallet2"); let wallet_config2 = config2.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; //config2.api_listen_port = 23415; let ($wallet2, mask2_i) = instantiate_wallet( wallet_config2.clone(), $client2.clone(), "password", "default", )?; let $mask2 = (&mask2_i).as_ref(); wallet_proxy.add_wallet( "wallet2", $client2.get_send_instance(), $wallet2.clone(), mask2_i.clone(), ); // Set the wallet proxy listener running thread::spawn(move || { if let Err(e) = wallet_proxy.run() { error!("Wallet Proxy error: {}", e); } }); }; } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn clean_output_dir(test_dir: &str) { let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(test_dir); } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn setup(test_dir: &str) { util::init_test_logger(); clean_output_dir(test_dir); global::set_mining_mode(ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting); } /// Create a wallet config file in the given current directory pub fn config_command_wallet( dir_name: &str, wallet_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), grin_wallet_controller::Error> { let mut current_dir; let mut default_config = GlobalWalletConfig::default(); current_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("Error creating config file: {}", e); }); current_dir.push(dir_name); current_dir.push(wallet_name); let _ = fs::create_dir_all(current_dir.clone()); let mut config_file_name = current_dir.clone(); config_file_name.push("grin-wallet.toml"); if config_file_name.exists() { return Err(grin_wallet_controller::ErrorKind::ArgumentError( "grin-wallet.toml already exists in the target directory. Please remove it first" .to_owned(), ))?; } default_config.update_paths(¤t_dir); default_config .write_to_file(config_file_name.to_str().unwrap()) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("Error creating config file: {}", e); }); println!( "File {} configured and created", config_file_name.to_str().unwrap(), ); Ok(()) } /// Handles setup and detection of paths for wallet #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn initial_setup_wallet(dir_name: &str, wallet_name: &str) -> GlobalWalletConfig { let mut current_dir; current_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("Error creating config file: {}", e); }); current_dir.push(dir_name); current_dir.push(wallet_name); let _ = fs::create_dir_all(current_dir.clone()); let mut config_file_name = current_dir.clone(); config_file_name.push("grin-wallet.toml"); GlobalWalletConfig::new(config_file_name.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap() } fn get_wallet_subcommand<'a>( wallet_dir: &str, wallet_name: &str, args: ArgMatches<'a>, ) -> ArgMatches<'a> { match args.subcommand() { ("init", Some(init_args)) => { // wallet init command should spit out its config file then continue // (if desired) if init_args.is_present("here") { let _ = config_command_wallet(wallet_dir, wallet_name); } init_args.to_owned() } _ => ArgMatches::new(), } } // // Helper to create an instance of the LMDB wallet #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn instantiate_wallet( mut wallet_config: WalletConfig, node_client: LocalWalletClient, passphrase: &str, account: &str, ) -> Result< ( Arc< Mutex< Box< dyn WalletInst< 'static, DefaultLCProvider<'static, LocalWalletClient, ExtKeychain>, LocalWalletClient, ExtKeychain, >, >, >, >, Option<SecretKey>, ), grin_wallet_controller::Error, > { wallet_config.chain_type = None; let mut wallet = Box::new(DefaultWalletImpl::<LocalWalletClient>::new(node_client).unwrap()) as Box< dyn WalletInst< DefaultLCProvider<'static, LocalWalletClient, ExtKeychain>, LocalWalletClient, ExtKeychain, >, >; let lc = wallet.lc_provider().unwrap(); // legacy hack to avoid the need for changes in existing grin-wallet.toml files // remove `wallet_data` from end of path as // new lifecycle provider assumes grin_wallet.toml is in root of data directory let mut top_level_wallet_dir = PathBuf::from(wallet_config.clone().data_file_dir); if top_level_wallet_dir.ends_with(GRIN_WALLET_DIR) { top_level_wallet_dir.pop(); wallet_config.data_file_dir = top_level_wallet_dir.to_str().unwrap().into(); } let _ = lc.set_top_level_directory(&wallet_config.data_file_dir); let keychain_mask = lc .open_wallet(None, ZeroingString::from(passphrase), true, false) .unwrap(); let wallet_inst = lc.wallet_inst()?; wallet_inst.set_parent_key_id_by_name(account)?; Ok((Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet)), keychain_mask)) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn execute_command( app: &App, test_dir: &str, wallet_name: &str, client: &LocalWalletClient, arg_vec: Vec<&str>, ) -> Result<String, grin_wallet_controller::Error> { let args = app.clone().get_matches_from(arg_vec); let _ = get_wallet_subcommand(test_dir, wallet_name, args.clone()); let config = initial_setup_wallet(test_dir, wallet_name); let mut wallet_config = config.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; let tor_config = config.clone().members.unwrap().tor; //unset chain type so it doesn't get reset wallet_config.chain_type = None; wallet_args::wallet_command( &args, wallet_config.clone(), tor_config, client.clone(), true, |_| {}, ) } // as above, but without necessarily setting up the wallet #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn execute_command_no_setup<C, F>( app: &App, test_dir: &str, wallet_name: &str, client: &C, arg_vec: Vec<&str>, f: F, ) -> Result<String, grin_wallet_controller::Error> where C: NodeClient + 'static + Clone, F: FnOnce( Arc< Mutex< Box< dyn WalletInst< 'static, DefaultLCProvider<'static, C, ExtKeychain>, C, ExtKeychain, >, >, >, >, ), { let args = app.clone().get_matches_from(arg_vec); let _ = get_wallet_subcommand(test_dir, wallet_name, args.clone()); let config = config::initial_setup_wallet(&ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting, None, true).unwrap(); let mut wallet_config = config.clone().members.unwrap().wallet; wallet_config.chain_type = None; wallet_config.api_secret_path = None; wallet_config.node_api_secret_path = None; let tor_config = config.members.unwrap().tor.clone(); wallet_args::wallet_command(&args, wallet_config, tor_config, client.clone(), true, f) } pub fn post<IN>(url: &Url, api_secret: Option<String>, input: &IN) -> Result<String, api::Error> where IN: Serialize, { // TODO: change create_post_request to accept a url instead of a &str let req = api::client::create_post_request(url.as_str(), api_secret, input)?; let res = api::client::send_request(req)?; Ok(res) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn send_request<OUT>( id: u64, dest: &str, req: &str, ) -> Result<Result<OUT, WalletAPIReturnError>, api::Error> where OUT: DeserializeOwned, { let url = Url::parse(dest).unwrap(); let req_val: Value = serde_json::from_str(req).unwrap(); let res = post(&url, None, &req_val).map_err(|e| { let err_string = format!("{}", e); println!("{}", err_string); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); e })?; let res_val: Value = serde_json::from_str(&res).unwrap(); // encryption error, just return the string if res_val["error"] != json!(null) { return Ok(Err(WalletAPIReturnError { message: res_val["error"]["message"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), code: res_val["error"]["code"].as_i64().unwrap() as i32, })); } let res = serde_json::from_str(&res).unwrap(); let res = easy_jsonrpc::Response::from_json_response(res).unwrap(); let res = res.outputs.get(&id).unwrap().clone().unwrap(); if res["Err"] != json!(null) { Ok(Err(WalletAPIReturnError { message: res["Err"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), code: res["error"]["code"].as_i64().unwrap() as i32, })) } else { // deserialize result into expected type let value: OUT = serde_json::from_value(res["Ok"].clone()).unwrap(); Ok(Ok(value)) } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn send_request_enc<OUT>( sec_req_id: &JsonId, internal_request_id: u32, dest: &str, req: &str, shared_key: &SecretKey, ) -> Result<Result<OUT, WalletAPIReturnError>, api::Error> where OUT: DeserializeOwned, { let url = Url::parse(dest).unwrap(); let req_val: Value = serde_json::from_str(req).unwrap(); let req = EncryptedRequest::from_json(sec_req_id, &req_val, &shared_key).unwrap(); let res = post(&url, None, &req).map_err(|e| { let err_string = format!("{}", e); println!("{}", err_string); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); e })?; let res_val: Value = serde_json::from_str(&res).unwrap(); //println!("RES_VAL: {}", res_val); // encryption error, just return the string if res_val["error"] != json!(null) { return Ok(Err(WalletAPIReturnError { message: res_val["error"]["message"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), code: res_val["error"]["code"].as_i64().unwrap() as i32, })); } let enc_resp: EncryptedResponse = serde_json::from_str(&res).unwrap(); let res = enc_resp.decrypt(shared_key).unwrap(); if res["error"] != json!(null) { return Ok(Err(WalletAPIReturnError { message: res["error"]["message"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), code: res["error"]["code"].as_i64().unwrap() as i32, })); } let res = easy_jsonrpc::Response::from_json_response(res).unwrap(); let res = res .outputs .get(&(internal_request_id as u64)) .unwrap() .clone() .unwrap(); //println!("RES: {}", res); if res["Err"] != json!(null) { Ok(Err(WalletAPIReturnError { message: res["Err"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), code: res_val["error"]["code"].as_i64().unwrap() as i32, })) } else { // deserialize result into expected type let raw_value = res["Ok"].clone(); let raw_value_str = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&raw_value).unwrap(); //println!("Raw value: {}", raw_value_str); let ok_val = serde_json::from_str(&raw_value_str); match ok_val { Ok(v) => { let value: OUT = v; Ok(Ok(value)) } Err(_) => { //println!("Error deserializing: {:?}", e); let value: OUT = serde_json::from_value(json!("Null")).unwrap(); Ok(Ok(value)) } } } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn derive_ecdh_key(sec_key_str: &str, other_pubkey: &PublicKey) -> SecretKey { let sec_key_bytes = from_hex(sec_key_str.to_owned()).unwrap(); let sec_key = { let secp_inst = static_secp_instance(); let secp = secp_inst.lock(); SecretKey::from_slice(&secp, &sec_key_bytes).unwrap() }; let secp_inst = static_secp_instance(); let secp = secp_inst.lock(); let mut shared_pubkey = other_pubkey.clone(); shared_pubkey.mul_assign(&secp, &sec_key).unwrap(); let x_coord = shared_pubkey.serialize_vec(&secp, true); SecretKey::from_slice(&secp, &x_coord[1..]).unwrap() } // Types to make working with json responses easier #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct WalletAPIReturnError { pub message: String, pub code: i32, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct RetrieveSummaryInfoResp(pub bool, pub WalletInfo);