// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use crate::api::TLSConfig; use crate::config::GRIN_WALLET_DIR; use crate::util::file::get_first_line; use crate::util::{Mutex, ZeroingString}; /// Argument parsing and error handling for wallet commands use clap::ArgMatches; use failure::Fail; use grin_wallet_config::WalletConfig; use grin_wallet_controller::command; use grin_wallet_controller::{Error, ErrorKind}; use grin_wallet_impls::{DefaultLCProvider, DefaultWalletImpl}; use grin_wallet_impls::{PathToSlate, SlateGetter as _}; use grin_wallet_libwallet::Slate; use grin_wallet_libwallet::{IssueInvoiceTxArgs, NodeClient, WalletInst, WalletLCProvider}; use grin_wallet_util::grin_core as core; use grin_wallet_util::grin_core::core::amount_to_hr_string; use grin_wallet_util::grin_core::global; use grin_wallet_util::grin_keychain as keychain; use linefeed::terminal::Signal; use linefeed::{Interface, ReadResult}; use rpassword; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::Arc; // define what to do on argument error macro_rules! arg_parse { ( $r:expr ) => { match $r { Ok(res) => res, Err(e) => { return Err(ErrorKind::ArgumentError(format!("{}", e)).into()); } } }; } /// Simple error definition, just so we can return errors from all commands /// and let the caller figure out what to do #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Fail)] pub enum ParseError { #[fail(display = "Invalid Arguments: {}", _0)] ArgumentError(String), #[fail(display = "Parsing IO error: {}", _0)] IOError(String), #[fail(display = "User Cancelled")] CancelledError, } impl From for ParseError { fn from(e: std::io::Error) -> ParseError { ParseError::IOError(format!("{}", e)) } } fn prompt_password_stdout(prompt: &str) -> ZeroingString { ZeroingString::from(rpassword::prompt_password_stdout(prompt).unwrap()) } pub fn prompt_password(password: &Option) -> ZeroingString { match password { None => prompt_password_stdout("Password: "), Some(p) => p.clone(), } } fn prompt_password_confirm() -> ZeroingString { let mut first = ZeroingString::from("first"); let mut second = ZeroingString::from("second"); while first != second { first = prompt_password_stdout("Password: "); second = prompt_password_stdout("Confirm Password: "); } first } fn prompt_replace_seed() -> Result { let interface = Arc::new(Interface::new("replace_seed")?); interface.set_report_signal(Signal::Interrupt, true); interface.set_prompt("Replace seed? (y/n)> ")?; println!(); println!("Existing wallet.seed file already exists. Continue?"); println!("Continuing will back up your existing 'wallet.seed' file as 'wallet.seed.bak'"); println!(); loop { let res = interface.read_line()?; match res { ReadResult::Eof => return Ok(false), ReadResult::Signal(sig) => { if sig == Signal::Interrupt { interface.cancel_read_line()?; return Err(ParseError::CancelledError); } } ReadResult::Input(line) => match line.trim() { "Y" | "y" => return Ok(true), "N" | "n" => return Ok(false), _ => println!("Please respond y or n"), }, } } } fn prompt_recovery_phrase( wallet: Arc>>>, ) -> Result where DefaultWalletImpl<'static, C>: WalletInst<'static, L, C, K>, L: WalletLCProvider<'static, C, K>, C: NodeClient + 'static, K: keychain::Keychain + 'static, { let interface = Arc::new(Interface::new("recover")?); let mut phrase = ZeroingString::from(""); interface.set_report_signal(Signal::Interrupt, true); interface.set_prompt("phrase> ")?; loop { println!("Please enter your recovery phrase:"); let res = interface.read_line()?; match res { ReadResult::Eof => break, ReadResult::Signal(sig) => { if sig == Signal::Interrupt { interface.cancel_read_line()?; return Err(ParseError::CancelledError); } } ReadResult::Input(line) => { let mut w_lock = wallet.lock(); let p = w_lock.lc_provider().unwrap(); if p.validate_mnemonic(ZeroingString::from(line.clone())) .is_ok() { phrase = ZeroingString::from(line); break; } else { println!(); println!("Recovery word phrase is invalid."); println!(); interface.set_buffer(&line)?; } } } } Ok(phrase) } fn prompt_pay_invoice(slate: &Slate, method: &str, dest: &str) -> Result { let interface = Arc::new(Interface::new("pay")?); let amount = amount_to_hr_string(slate.amount, false); interface.set_report_signal(Signal::Interrupt, true); interface.set_prompt( "To proceed, type the exact amount of the invoice as displayed above (or Q/q to quit) > ", )?; println!(); println!( "This command will pay the amount specified in the invoice using your wallet's funds." ); println!("After you confirm, the following will occur: "); println!(); println!( "* {} of your wallet funds will be added to the transaction to pay this invoice.", amount ); if method == "http" { println!("* The resulting transaction will IMMEDIATELY be sent to the wallet listening at: '{}'.", dest); } else { println!("* The resulting transaction will be saved to the file '{}', which you can manually send back to the invoice creator.", dest); } println!(); println!("The invoice slate's participant info is:"); for m in slate.participant_messages().messages { println!("{}", m); } println!("Please review the above information carefully before proceeding"); println!(); loop { let res = interface.read_line()?; match res { ReadResult::Eof => return Ok(false), ReadResult::Signal(sig) => { if sig == Signal::Interrupt { interface.cancel_read_line()?; return Err(ParseError::CancelledError); } } ReadResult::Input(line) => { match line.trim() { "Q" | "q" => return Err(ParseError::CancelledError), result => { if result == amount { return Ok(true); } else { println!("Please enter exact amount of the invoice as shown above or Q to quit"); println!(); } } } } } } } // instantiate wallet (needed by most functions) pub fn inst_wallet( config: WalletConfig, node_client: C, ) -> Result>>>, ParseError> where DefaultWalletImpl<'static, C>: WalletInst<'static, L, C, K>, L: WalletLCProvider<'static, C, K>, C: NodeClient + 'static, K: keychain::Keychain + 'static, { let mut wallet = Box::new(DefaultWalletImpl::<'static, C>::new(node_client.clone()).unwrap()) as Box>; let lc = wallet.lc_provider().unwrap(); let _ = lc.set_top_level_directory(&config.data_file_dir); Ok(Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet))) } // parses a required value, or throws error with message otherwise fn parse_required<'a>(args: &'a ArgMatches, name: &str) -> Result<&'a str, ParseError> { let arg = args.value_of(name); match arg { Some(ar) => Ok(ar), None => { let msg = format!("Value for argument '{}' is required in this context", name,); Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)) } } } // parses a number, or throws error with message otherwise fn parse_u64(arg: &str, name: &str) -> Result { let val = arg.parse::(); match val { Ok(v) => Ok(v), Err(e) => { let msg = format!("Could not parse {} as a whole number. e={}", name, e); Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)) } } } pub fn parse_global_args( config: &WalletConfig, args: &ArgMatches, ) -> Result { let account = parse_required(args, "account")?; let mut show_spent = false; if args.is_present("show_spent") { show_spent = true; } let api_secret = get_first_line(config.api_secret_path.clone()); let node_api_secret = get_first_line(config.node_api_secret_path.clone()); let password = match args.value_of("pass") { None => None, Some(p) => Some(ZeroingString::from(p)), }; let tls_conf = match config.tls_certificate_file.clone() { None => None, Some(file) => { let key = match config.tls_certificate_key.clone() { Some(k) => k, None => { let msg = format!("Private key for certificate is not set"); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } }; Some(TLSConfig::new(file, key)) } }; let chain_type = match config.chain_type.clone() { None => { let param_ref = global::CHAIN_TYPE.read(); param_ref.clone() } Some(c) => c, }; Ok(command::GlobalArgs { account: account.to_owned(), show_spent: show_spent, chain_type: chain_type, api_secret: api_secret, node_api_secret: node_api_secret, password: password, tls_conf: tls_conf, }) } pub fn parse_init_args( wallet: Arc>>>, config: &WalletConfig, g_args: &command::GlobalArgs, args: &ArgMatches, ) -> Result where DefaultWalletImpl<'static, C>: WalletInst<'static, L, C, K>, L: WalletLCProvider<'static, C, K>, C: NodeClient + 'static, K: keychain::Keychain + 'static, { let list_length = match args.is_present("short_wordlist") { false => 32, true => 16, }; let recovery_phrase = match args.is_present("recover") { true => Some(prompt_recovery_phrase(wallet)?), false => None, }; if recovery_phrase.is_some() { println!("Please provide a new password for the recovered wallet"); } else { println!("Please enter a password for your new wallet"); } let password = match g_args.password.clone() { Some(p) => p, None => prompt_password_confirm(), }; Ok(command::InitArgs { list_length: list_length, password: password, config: config.clone(), recovery_phrase: recovery_phrase, restore: false, }) } pub fn parse_recover_args( wallet: Arc>>>, g_args: &command::GlobalArgs, args: &ArgMatches, ) -> Result where DefaultWalletImpl<'static, C>: WalletInst<'static, L, C, K>, L: WalletLCProvider<'static, C, K>, C: NodeClient + 'static, K: keychain::Keychain + 'static, { let (passphrase, recovery_phrase) = { match args.is_present("display") { true => (prompt_password(&g_args.password), None), false => { let cont = { let mut w_lock = wallet.lock(); let p = w_lock.lc_provider().unwrap(); if p.wallet_exists(None).unwrap() { prompt_replace_seed()? } else { true } }; if !cont { return Err(ParseError::CancelledError); } let phrase = prompt_recovery_phrase(wallet.clone())?; println!("Please provide a new password for the recovered wallet"); (prompt_password_confirm(), Some(phrase.to_owned())) } } }; Ok(command::RecoverArgs { passphrase: passphrase, recovery_phrase: recovery_phrase, }) } pub fn parse_listen_args( config: &mut WalletConfig, args: &ArgMatches, ) -> Result { if let Some(port) = args.value_of("port") { config.api_listen_port = port.parse().unwrap(); } let method = parse_required(args, "method")?; Ok(command::ListenArgs { method: method.to_owned(), }) } pub fn parse_owner_api_args( config: &mut WalletConfig, args: &ArgMatches, ) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if let Some(port) = args.value_of("port") { config.owner_api_listen_port = Some(port.parse().unwrap()); } if args.is_present("run_foreign") { config.owner_api_include_foreign = Some(true); } Ok(()) } pub fn parse_account_args(account_args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { let create = match account_args.value_of("create") { None => None, Some(s) => Some(s.to_owned()), }; Ok(command::AccountArgs { create: create }) } pub fn parse_send_args(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { // amount let amount = parse_required(args, "amount")?; let amount = core::core::amount_from_hr_string(amount); let amount = match amount { Ok(a) => a, Err(e) => { let msg = format!( "Could not parse amount as a number with optional decimal point. e={}", e ); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } }; // message let message = match args.is_present("message") { true => Some(args.value_of("message").unwrap().to_owned()), false => None, }; // minimum_confirmations let min_c = parse_required(args, "minimum_confirmations")?; let min_c = parse_u64(min_c, "minimum_confirmations")?; // selection_strategy let selection_strategy = parse_required(args, "selection_strategy")?; // estimate_selection_strategies let estimate_selection_strategies = args.is_present("estimate_selection_strategies"); // method let method = parse_required(args, "method")?; // dest let dest = { if method == "self" { match args.value_of("dest") { Some(d) => d, None => "default", } } else { if !estimate_selection_strategies { parse_required(args, "dest")? } else { "" } } }; if !estimate_selection_strategies && method == "http" && !dest.starts_with("http://") && !dest.starts_with("https://") { let msg = format!( "HTTP Destination should start with http://: or https://: {}", dest, ); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } // change_outputs let change_outputs = parse_required(args, "change_outputs")?; let change_outputs = parse_u64(change_outputs, "change_outputs")? as usize; // fluff let fluff = args.is_present("fluff"); // max_outputs let max_outputs = 500; // target slate version to create/send let target_slate_version = { match args.is_present("slate_version") { true => { let v = parse_required(args, "slate_version")?; Some(parse_u64(v, "slate_version")? as u16) } false => None, } }; Ok(command::SendArgs { amount: amount, message: message, minimum_confirmations: min_c, selection_strategy: selection_strategy.to_owned(), estimate_selection_strategies, method: method.to_owned(), dest: dest.to_owned(), change_outputs: change_outputs, fluff: fluff, max_outputs: max_outputs, target_slate_version: target_slate_version, }) } pub fn parse_receive_args(receive_args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { // message let message = match receive_args.is_present("message") { true => Some(receive_args.value_of("message").unwrap().to_owned()), false => None, }; // input let tx_file = parse_required(receive_args, "input")?; // validate input if !Path::new(&tx_file).is_file() { let msg = format!("File {} not found.", &tx_file); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } Ok(command::ReceiveArgs { input: tx_file.to_owned(), message: message, }) } pub fn parse_finalize_args(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { let fluff = args.is_present("fluff"); let tx_file = parse_required(args, "input")?; if !Path::new(&tx_file).is_file() { let msg = format!("File {} not found.", tx_file); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } Ok(command::FinalizeArgs { input: tx_file.to_owned(), fluff: fluff, }) } pub fn parse_issue_invoice_args( args: &ArgMatches, ) -> Result { let amount = parse_required(args, "amount")?; let amount = core::core::amount_from_hr_string(amount); let amount = match amount { Ok(a) => a, Err(e) => { let msg = format!( "Could not parse amount as a number with optional decimal point. e={}", e ); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } }; // message let message = match args.is_present("message") { true => Some(args.value_of("message").unwrap().to_owned()), false => None, }; // target slate version to create let target_slate_version = { match args.is_present("slate_version") { true => { let v = parse_required(args, "slate_version")?; Some(parse_u64(v, "slate_version")? as u16) } false => None, } }; // dest (output file) let dest = parse_required(args, "dest")?; Ok(command::IssueInvoiceArgs { dest: dest.into(), issue_args: IssueInvoiceTxArgs { dest_acct_name: None, amount, message, target_slate_version, }, }) } pub fn parse_process_invoice_args( args: &ArgMatches, prompt: bool, ) -> Result { // TODO: display and prompt for confirmation of what we're doing // message let message = match args.is_present("message") { true => Some(args.value_of("message").unwrap().to_owned()), false => None, }; // minimum_confirmations let min_c = parse_required(args, "minimum_confirmations")?; let min_c = parse_u64(min_c, "minimum_confirmations")?; // selection_strategy let selection_strategy = parse_required(args, "selection_strategy")?; // estimate_selection_strategies let estimate_selection_strategies = args.is_present("estimate_selection_strategies"); // method let method = parse_required(args, "method")?; // dest let dest = { if method == "self" { match args.value_of("dest") { Some(d) => d, None => "default", } } else { if !estimate_selection_strategies { parse_required(args, "dest")? } else { "" } } }; if !estimate_selection_strategies && method == "http" && !dest.starts_with("http://") && !dest.starts_with("https://") { let msg = format!( "HTTP Destination should start with http://: or https://: {}", dest, ); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } // max_outputs let max_outputs = 500; // file input only let tx_file = parse_required(args, "input")?; if prompt { // Now we need to prompt the user whether they want to do this, // which requires reading the slate let slate = match PathToSlate((&tx_file).into()).get_tx() { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(format!("{}", e))), }; prompt_pay_invoice(&slate, method, dest)?; } Ok(command::ProcessInvoiceArgs { message: message, minimum_confirmations: min_c, selection_strategy: selection_strategy.to_owned(), estimate_selection_strategies, method: method.to_owned(), dest: dest.to_owned(), max_outputs: max_outputs, input: tx_file.to_owned(), }) } pub fn parse_info_args(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { // minimum_confirmations let mc = parse_required(args, "minimum_confirmations")?; let mc = parse_u64(mc, "minimum_confirmations")?; Ok(command::InfoArgs { minimum_confirmations: mc, }) } pub fn parse_check_args(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { let delete_unconfirmed = args.is_present("delete_unconfirmed"); Ok(command::CheckArgs { delete_unconfirmed: delete_unconfirmed, }) } pub fn parse_txs_args(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { let tx_id = match args.value_of("id") { None => None, Some(tx) => Some(parse_u64(tx, "id")? as u32), }; let tx_slate_id = match args.value_of("txid") { None => None, Some(tx) => match tx.parse() { Ok(t) => Some(t), Err(e) => { let msg = format!("Could not parse txid parameter. e={}", e); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } }, }; if tx_id.is_some() && tx_slate_id.is_some() { let msg = format!("At most one of 'id' (-i) or 'txid' (-t) may be provided."); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } Ok(command::TxsArgs { id: tx_id, tx_slate_id: tx_slate_id, }) } pub fn parse_repost_args(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { let tx_id = match args.value_of("id") { None => None, Some(tx) => Some(parse_u64(tx, "id")? as u32), }; let fluff = args.is_present("fluff"); let dump_file = match args.value_of("dumpfile") { None => None, Some(d) => Some(d.to_owned()), }; Ok(command::RepostArgs { id: tx_id.unwrap(), dump_file: dump_file, fluff: fluff, }) } pub fn parse_cancel_args(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { let mut tx_id_string = ""; let tx_id = match args.value_of("id") { None => None, Some(tx) => Some(parse_u64(tx, "id")? as u32), }; let tx_slate_id = match args.value_of("txid") { None => None, Some(tx) => match tx.parse() { Ok(t) => { tx_id_string = tx; Some(t) } Err(e) => { let msg = format!("Could not parse txid parameter. e={}", e); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } }, }; if (tx_id.is_none() && tx_slate_id.is_none()) || (tx_id.is_some() && tx_slate_id.is_some()) { let msg = format!("'id' (-i) or 'txid' (-t) argument is required."); return Err(ParseError::ArgumentError(msg)); } Ok(command::CancelArgs { tx_id: tx_id, tx_slate_id: tx_slate_id, tx_id_string: tx_id_string.to_owned(), }) } pub fn wallet_command( wallet_args: &ArgMatches, mut wallet_config: WalletConfig, mut node_client: C, test_mode: bool, wallet_inst_cb: F, ) -> Result where C: NodeClient + 'static + Clone, F: FnOnce( Arc< Mutex< Box< dyn WalletInst< 'static, DefaultLCProvider<'static, C, keychain::ExtKeychain>, C, keychain::ExtKeychain, >, >, >, >, ), { if let Some(t) = wallet_config.chain_type.clone() { core::global::set_mining_mode(t); } if wallet_args.is_present("external") { wallet_config.api_listen_interface = "".to_string(); } if let Some(dir) = wallet_args.value_of("data_dir") { wallet_config.data_file_dir = dir.to_string().clone(); } if let Some(sa) = wallet_args.value_of("api_server_address") { wallet_config.check_node_api_http_addr = sa.to_string().clone(); } let global_wallet_args = arg_parse!(parse_global_args(&wallet_config, &wallet_args)); node_client.set_node_url(&wallet_config.check_node_api_http_addr); node_client.set_node_api_secret(global_wallet_args.node_api_secret.clone()); // legacy hack to avoid the need for changes in existing grin-wallet.toml files // remove `wallet_data` from end of path as // new lifecycle provider assumes grin_wallet.toml is in root of data directory let mut top_level_wallet_dir = PathBuf::from(wallet_config.clone().data_file_dir); if top_level_wallet_dir.ends_with(GRIN_WALLET_DIR) { top_level_wallet_dir.pop(); wallet_config.data_file_dir = top_level_wallet_dir.to_str().unwrap().into(); } // Instantiate wallet (doesn't open the wallet) let wallet = inst_wallet::, C, keychain::ExtKeychain>( wallet_config.clone(), node_client, ) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("{}", e); std::process::exit(1); }); { let mut wallet_lock = wallet.lock(); let lc = wallet_lock.lc_provider().unwrap(); let _ = lc.set_top_level_directory(&wallet_config.data_file_dir); } // provide wallet instance back to the caller (handy for testing with // local wallet proxy, etc) wallet_inst_cb(wallet.clone()); // don't open wallet for certain lifecycle commands let mut open_wallet = true; match wallet_args.subcommand() { ("init", Some(_)) => open_wallet = false, ("recover", _) => open_wallet = false, ("owner_api", _) => { // If wallet exists, open it. Otherwise, that's fine too. let mut wallet_lock = wallet.lock(); let lc = wallet_lock.lc_provider().unwrap(); open_wallet = lc.wallet_exists(None)?; } _ => {} } let keychain_mask = match open_wallet { true => { let mut wallet_lock = wallet.lock(); let lc = wallet_lock.lc_provider().unwrap(); let mask = lc.open_wallet( None, prompt_password(&global_wallet_args.password), false, false, )?; if let Some(account) = wallet_args.value_of("account") { let wallet_inst = lc.wallet_inst()?; wallet_inst.set_parent_key_id_by_name(account)?; } mask } false => None, }; let km = (&keychain_mask).as_ref(); let res = match wallet_args.subcommand() { ("init", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_init_args( wallet.clone(), &wallet_config, &global_wallet_args, &args )); command::init(wallet, &global_wallet_args, a) } ("recover", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_recover_args( wallet.clone(), &global_wallet_args, &args )); command::recover(wallet, a) } ("listen", Some(args)) => { let mut c = wallet_config.clone(); let a = arg_parse!(parse_listen_args(&mut c, &args)); command::listen( wallet, Arc::new(Mutex::new(keychain_mask)), &c, &a, &global_wallet_args.clone(), ) } ("owner_api", Some(args)) => { let mut c = wallet_config.clone(); let mut g = global_wallet_args.clone(); g.tls_conf = None; arg_parse!(parse_owner_api_args(&mut c, &args)); command::owner_api(wallet, keychain_mask, &c, &g) } ("web", Some(_)) => { command::owner_api(wallet, keychain_mask, &wallet_config, &global_wallet_args) } ("account", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_account_args(&args)); command::account(wallet, km, a) } ("send", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_send_args(&args)); command::send( wallet, km, a, wallet_config.dark_background_color_scheme.unwrap_or(true), ) } ("receive", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_receive_args(&args)); command::receive(wallet, km, &global_wallet_args, a) } ("finalize", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_finalize_args(&args)); command::finalize(wallet, km, a) } ("invoice", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_issue_invoice_args(&args)); command::issue_invoice_tx(wallet, km, a) } ("pay", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_process_invoice_args(&args, !test_mode)); command::process_invoice( wallet, km, a, wallet_config.dark_background_color_scheme.unwrap_or(true), ) } ("info", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_info_args(&args)); command::info( wallet, km, &global_wallet_args, a, wallet_config.dark_background_color_scheme.unwrap_or(true), ) } ("outputs", Some(_)) => command::outputs( wallet, km, &global_wallet_args, wallet_config.dark_background_color_scheme.unwrap_or(true), ), ("txs", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_txs_args(&args)); command::txs( wallet, km, &global_wallet_args, a, wallet_config.dark_background_color_scheme.unwrap_or(true), ) } ("repost", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_repost_args(&args)); command::repost(wallet, km, a) } ("cancel", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_cancel_args(&args)); command::cancel(wallet, km, a) } ("restore", Some(_)) => command::restore(wallet, km), ("check", Some(args)) => { let a = arg_parse!(parse_check_args(&args)); command::check_repair(wallet, km, a) } _ => { let msg = format!("Unknown wallet command, use 'grin-wallet help' for details"); return Err(ErrorKind::ArgumentError(msg).into()); } }; if let Err(e) = res { Err(e) } else { Ok(wallet_args.subcommand().0.to_owned()) } }