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# Grin Wallet + Library Design
![wallet design](wallet-arch.png)
## High Level Wallet Design Overview
The current Grin `wallet` crate provides several layers of libraries, services, and traits that can be mixed, matched and reimplemented to support
various needs within the default Grin wallet as well as provide a set of useful library functions for 3rd-party implementors. At a very high level,
the code is organized into the following components (from highest-level to lowest):
* **Command Line Client** - The command line client invoked by `grin wallet [command]`, simply instantiates the other components below
and parses command line arguments as needed.
* **Web Wallet Client** - [Work In Progress] A web wallet client accessible from the local machine only. Current code can be viewed here:
* **Static File Server** - [TBD] A means of serving up the web wallet client above to the user (still under consideration)
* **libWallet** - A high level wallet library that provides functions for the default grin wallet. The functions in here can be somewhat
specific to how the grin wallet does things, but could still be reused by 3rd party implementors following the same basic principles as grin
does. Major functionality is split into:
* **Owner API** - An API that provides information that should only be viewable by the wallet owner
* **Foreign API** - An API to communicate with other wallets and external grin nodes
* **Service Controller** - A Controller that instantiates the above APIs (either locally or via web services)
* **Internal Functions** Helper functions to perform needed wallet tasks, such as selecting coins, updating wallet outputs with
results from a Grin node, etc.
* **libTx** - Library that provides lower-level transaction building, rangeproof and signing functions, highly-reusable by wallet implementors.
* **Wallet Traits** - A set of generic traits defined within libWallet and the `keychain` crate . A wallet implementation such as Grin's current
default only needs to implement these traits in order to provide a wallet:
* **NodeClient** - Defines communication between the wallet, a running grin node and/or other wallets
* **WalletBackend** - Defines the storage implementation of the wallet
* **KeyChain** - Defines key derivation operations
## Module-Specific Notes
A full API-Description for each of these parts is still TBD (and should be generated by rustdoc rather than repeated here). However a few design
notes on each module are worth mentioning here.
### Web Wallet Client / Static File Server
This component is not a 3rd-party hosted 'Web Wallet' , but a client meant to be run on the local machine only by the wallet owner. It should provide
a usable browser interface into the wallet, that should be functionally equivalent to using the command line but (hopefully) far easier to use.
It is currently not being included by a default grin build, although the required listener is currently being run by default. To build and test this
component, see instructions on the [project page](https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin-web-wallet). The 'Static File Server' is still under
discussion, and concerns how to provide the web-wallet to the user in a default Grin build.
### Owner API / Foreign API
The high-level wallet API has been split into two, to allow for different requirements on each. For instance, the Foreign API would listen on
an external-facing port, and therefore potentially has different security requirements from the Owner API, which can simply be bound to localhost
### libTX
Transactions are built using the concept of a 'Slate', which is a data structure that gets passed around to all participants in a transaction,
with each appending their Inputs, Outputs or Signatures to it to build a completed wallet transaction. Although the current mode of operation in
the default client only supports single-user - single recipient, an arbitrary number of participants to a transaction is supported within libTX.
### Wallet Traits
In the current code, a Wallet implementation is just a combination of these three traits. The vast majority of functions within libwallet
and libTX have a signature similar to the following:
pub fn retrieve_outputs<T: ?Sized, C, K>(
!·wallet: &mut T,
!·show_spent: bool,
!·tx_id: Option<u32>,
) -> Result<Vec<OutputData>, Error>
!·T: WalletBackend<C, K>,
!·C: NodeClient,
!·K: Keychain,
With `T` in this instance being a class that implements the `WalletBackend` trait, which is further parameterized with implementations of
`NodeClient` and `Keychain`.
There is currently only a single implementation of the Keychain trait within the Grin code, in the `keychain` crate exported as `ExtKeyChain`.
The `Keychain` trait makes several assumptions about the underlying implementation, particularly that it will adhere to a
[BIP-38 style](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0038.mediawiki) 'master key -> child key' model.
There are two implementations of `NodeClient` within the code, the main version being the `HTTPNodeClient` found within `wallet/src/client.rs` and
the seconds a test client that communicates with an in-process instance of a chain. The NodeClient isolates all network calls, so upgrading wallet
communication from the current simple http interaction to a more secure protocol (or allowing for many options) should be a simple
matter of dropping in different `NodeClient` implementations.
There are also two implementations of `WalletBackend` within the code at the base of the `wallet` crate. `LMDBBackend` found within
`wallet/src/lmdb_wallet.rs` is the main implementation, and is now used by all grin wallet commands. The earlier `FileWallet` still exists
within the code, however it is not invoked, and given there are no real advantages to running it over a DB implementation, development on it
has been dropped in favour of the LMDB implementation.
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Mode of Interactions
There's a variety of ways wallet software can be integrated with, from hardware
to automated bots to the more classic desktop wallets. No single implementation
can hope to accommodate all possible interactions, especially if it wants to
remain user friendly (who or whatever the user may be). With that in mind, Grin
needs to provide a healthy base for a more complete wallet ecosystem to
We propose to achieve this by implementing, as part of the "standard" wallet:
* A good set of APIs that are flexible enough for most cases.
* One or two default main mode of interaction.
While not being exhaustive, the different ways we can imagine wallet software
working with Grin are the following:
1. A receive-only online wallet server. This should have some well-known network
address that can be reached by a client. There should be a spending key kept
1. A fully offline interaction. The sender uses her wallet to dump a file that's
sent to the receiver in any practical way. The receiver builds upon that file,
sending it back to the sender. The sender finalizes the transaction and sends it
to a Grin node.
1. Fully online interaction through a non-trusted 3rd party. In this mode
receiver and sender both connect to a web server that facilitates the
interaction. Exchanges can be all be encrypted.
1. Hardware wallet. Similar to offline but the hardware wallet interacts with
a computer to produce required public keys and signatures.
1. Web wallet. A 3rd party runs the required software behind the scenes and
handles some of the key generation. This could be done in a custodial,
non-custodial and multisig fashion.
1. Fully programmatic. Similar to the online server, but both for receiving and
sending, most likely by an automated bot of some sorts.
As part of the Grin project, we will only consider the first 2 modes of
interaction. We hope that other projects and businesses will tackle other modes
and perhaps even create new ones we haven't considered.
Design Considerations
Lower-level APIs
Rust can easily be [reused by other languages](https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.2.0/book/rust-inside-other-languages.html)
like Ruby, Python or node.js, using standard FFI libraries. By providing APIs
to build and manipulate commitments, related bulletproofs and aggregate
signatures we can kill many birds with one stone:
* Make the job of wallet implementers easier. The underlying cryptographic
concepts can be quite complex.
* Make wallet implementations more secure. As we provide a higher level API,
there is less risk in misusing lower-level constructs.
* Provide some standardization in the way aggregations are done. There are
sometimes multiple ways to build a commitment or aggregate signatures or proofs
in a multiparty output.
* Provide more eyeballs and more security to the standard library. We need to
have the wallet APIs thoroughly reviewed regardless.
Receive-only Online Wallet
To be receive only we need an aggregation between a "hot" receiving key and an
offline spending key. To receive, only the receiving key should be required, to
spend both keys are needed.
This can work by forming a multi-party output (multisig) where only the public
part of the spending key is known to the receiving server. Practically a master
public key that can be derived similarly to Hierarchical Deterministic wallets
would provide the best security and privacy.
TODO figure out what's needed for the bulletproof. Maybe pre-compute multiple
of them for ranges of receiving amounts (i.e. 1-10 grins, 10-100 grins, etc).
Offline Wallet
This is likely the simplest to implement, with each interaction dumping its
intermediate values to a file and building off each other.
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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
@startuml grin-wallet-overview
skinparam componentStyle uml2
[Grin Node] as grin_node
folder "Provided by Grin" as services {
component foreign_api [
**Foreign API**
External-Facing functions
- receive_tx, build coinbase
component owner_api [
**Owner API**
Functions used by wallet owner only
- retrieve outputs, retrieve txs,
get balances, send, etc. . .
component libtx [
**Transaction Library (libTx)**
Lower-Level transaction functions
- Build transaction (via Slate), sign,
build reward, fees, etc. . .
component libwallet [
**Wallet Library (libWallet) **
- Higher level wallet functions (select coins,
update wallet from node, etc)
- Service Controller
(instantiate libs, start listeners)
() "Owner HTTP Listener (localhost only)" as owner_http
() "Foreign HTTP Listener" as foreign_http
() "Owner Single-Use" as owner_single
() "Foreign Single-Use" as foreign_single
' Trait definitions
package "Traits Implemented by Wallets" as traits {
database "WalletBackend" as wallet_backend
database "KeyChain" as keychain
component "NodeClient" as wallet_client
note left of wallet_client
- Communication layer implementation
- Handles underlying communication with grin node
or other wallets
- HTTP implementation provided currently, (Other,
more secure protocols possible.)
end note
note bottom of keychain
- Handles all key derivation operations
end note
note bottom of wallet_backend
- Implements underlying storage for wallet data
- LMDB storage provided in default client, others
possible (Flat-file, other DBs, etc)
end note
libtx <--> traits
libwallet <--> traits
note right of traits
**Default Wallet simply a struct that provides**
**implementations for these 3 traits**
end note
' Client Side
'package "Provided as reference implementation" {
[Pure JS Wallet Client Implementation] as js_client
[Command Line Wallet Client] as cl_client
component web_server [
V. Light Rust Web Server - Serve static files (TBD)
(Provided by default - localhost only)
(Serve up pure JS client)
[External Wallets] as external_wallets
[External Wallets] as external_wallets_2
wallet_client <--> grin_node
wallet_client <--> external_wallets_2
web_server <--> owner_http
js_client <-- web_server
cl_client <--> owner_single
cl_client <--> foreign_single
owner_single <--> owner_api
foreign_single <--> foreign_api
libwallet <--> libtx
foreign_api --> libwallet
owner_api --> libwallet
js_client <--> owner_http
owner_http <--> owner_api
external_wallets <--> foreign_http
foreign_http <--> foreign_api
'layout fix
'grin_node -[hidden]- wallet_backend
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# Wallet TLS setup
## What you need
* A server with a static IP address (eg ``)
* A domain name ownership (`example.com`)
* DNS configuration for this IP (`grin1.example.com` -> ``)
If you don't have a static IP you may want to consider using services like DynDNS which support dynamic IP resolving, this case is not covered by this guide, but all the next steps are equally applicable.
If you don't have a domain name there is a possibility to get a TLS certificate for your IP, but you have to pay for that (so perhaps it's cheaper to buy a domain name) and it's rarely supported by certificate providers.
## I have a TLS certificate already
Uncomment and update the following lines in wallet config (by default `~/.grin/grin-wallet.toml`):
tls_certificate_file = "/path/to/my/cerificate/fullchain.pem"
tls_certificate_key = "/path/to/my/cerificate/privkey.pem"
If you have Stratum server enabled (you run a miner) make sure that wallet listener URL starts with `https` in node config (by default `~/.grin/grin-server.toml`):
wallet_listener_url = "https://grin1.example.com:13415"
Make sure your user has read access to the files (see below for how to do it). Restart wallet. If you changed your node configuration restart `grin` too. When you (or someone else) send grins to this wallet the destination (`-d` option) must start with `https://`, not with `http://`.
## I don't have a TLS certificate
You can get it for free from [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/). To simplify the process we need `certbot`.
### Install certbot
Go to [Certbot home page](https://certbot.eff.org/), choose I'm using `None of the above` and your OS (eg `Ubuntu 18.04` which will be used as an example). You will be redirected to a page with instructions like [steps for Ubuntu](https://certbot.eff.org/lets-encrypt/ubuntubionic-other). Follow instructions from `Install` section. As result you should have `certbot` installed.
### Obtain certificate
If you have experince with `certboot` feel free to use any type of challenge. This guide covers the simplest case of HTTP challenge. For this you need to have a web server listening on port `80`, which requires running it as root in the simplest case. We will use the server provided by certbot. **Make sure you have port 80 open**
sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d grin1.example.com
It will ask you some questions, as result you should see something like:
Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:
Your key file has been saved at:
Your cert will expire on 2019-01-16. To obtain a new or tweaked
version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot
again. To non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run
"certbot renew"
### Change permissions
Now you have the certificate files but only root user can read it. We run grin as `ubuntu` user. There are different scenarios how to fix it, the simplest one is to create a group which will have access to `/etc/letsencrypt` directory and add our user to this group.
sudo groupadd tls-cert
sudo usermod -a -G tls-cert ubuntu
chgrp -R tls-cert /etc/letsencrypt
chmod -R g=rX /etc/letsencrypt
sudo chmod 2755 /etc/letsencrypt
The last step is needed for renewal, it makes sure that all new files will have the same group ownership.
### Update wallet config
Refer to `I have a TLS certificate already` because you have it now. Use the folowing values:
tls_certificate_file = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/grin1.example.com/fullchain.pem"
tls_certificate_key = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/grin1.example.com/privkey.pem"
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
@startuml grin-transaction
**Current Grin Tranaction Workflow**
Accurate as of Oct 10, 2018 - Master branch only
end title
actor "Sender" as sender
actor "Recipient" as recipient
entity "Grin Node" as grin_node
== Round 1 ==
note left of sender
1: Create Transaction **UUID** (for reference and maintaining correct state)
2: Set **lock_height** for transaction kernel (current chain height)
3: Select **inputs** using desired selection strategy
4: Calculate sum **inputs** blinding factors **xI**
5: Create **change_output**
6: Select blinding factor **xC** for **change_output**
7: Create lock function **sF** that locks **inputs** and stores **change_output** in wallet
and identifying wallet transaction log entry **TS** linking **inputs + outputs**
(Not executed at this point)
end note
note left of sender
8: Calculate **tx_weight**: MAX(-1 * **num_inputs** + 4 * (**num_change_outputs** + 1), 1)
(+1 covers a single output on the receiver's side)
9: Calculate **fee**: **tx_weight** * 1_000_000 nG
10: Calculate total blinding excess sum for all inputs and outputs **xS1** = **xC** - **xI** (private scalar)
11: Select a random nonce **kS** (private scalar)
12: Subtract random kernel offset **oS** from **xS1**. Calculate **xS** = **xS1** - **oS**
13: Multiply **xS** and **kS** by generator G to create public curve points **xSG** and **kSG**
14: Add values to **Slate** for passing to other participants: **UUID, inputs, change_outputs,**
**fee, amount, lock_height, kSG, xSG, oS**
end note
sender -> recipient: **Slate**
== Round 2 ==
note right of recipient
1: Check fee against number of **inputs**, **change_outputs** +1 * **receiver_output**)
2: Create **receiver_output**
3: Choose random blinding factor for **receiver_output** **xR** (private scalar)
end note
note right of recipient
4: Calculate message **M** = **fee | lock_height **
5: Choose random nonce **kR** (private scalar)
6: Multiply **xR** and **kR** by generator G to create public curve points **xRG** and **kRG**
7: Compute Schnorr challenge **e** = SHA256(**kRG** + **kSG** | **xRG** + **xSG** | **M**)
8: Compute Recipient Schnorr signature **sR** = **kR** + **e** * **xR**
9: Add **sR, xRG, kRG** to **Slate**
10: Create wallet output function **rF** that stores **receiver_output** in wallet with status "Unconfirmed"
and identifying transaction log entry **TR** linking **receiver_output** with transaction.
end note
alt All Okay
recipient --> sender: Okay - **Slate**
recipient -> recipient: execute wallet output function **rF**
else Any Failure
recipient ->x]: Abort
recipient --> sender: Error
[x<- sender: Abort
== Finalize Transaction ==
note left of sender
1: Calculate message **M** = **fee | lock_height **
2: Compute Schnorr challenge **e** = SHA256(**kRG** + **kSG** | **xRG** + **xSG** | **M**)
3: Verify **sR** by verifying **kRG** + **e** * **xRG** = **sRG**
4: Compute Sender Schnorr signature **sS** = **kS** + **e** * **xS**
5: Calculate final signature **s** = (**kSG**+**kRG**, **sS**+**sR**)
6: Calculate public key for **s**: **xG** = **xRG** + **xSG**
7: Verify **s** against excess values in final transaction using **xG**
8: Create Transaction Kernel Containing:
Excess signature **s**
Public excess **xG**
end note
sender -> sender: Create final transaction **tx** from **Slate**
sender -> grin_node: Post **tx** to mempool
grin_node --> recipient: "Ok"
alt All Okay
recipient --> sender: "Ok" - **UUID**
sender -> sender: Execute wallet lock function **sF**
...Await confirmation...
recipient -> grin_node: Confirm **receiver_output**
recipient -> recipient: Change status of **receiver_output** to "Confirmed"
sender -> grin_node: Confirm **change_output**
sender -> sender: Change status of **inputs** to "Spent"
sender -> sender: Change status of **change_output** to "Confirmed"
else Any Error
recipient -> recipient: Manually remove **receiver_output** from wallet using transaction log entry **TR**
recipient ->x]: Abort
recipient --> sender: Error
sender -> sender: Unlock **inputs** and delete **change_output** identified in transaction log entry **TS**
[x<- sender: Abort
Reference in a new issue